Happy dogs =
happy owners

Offer your dog a premium walking experience

What We Do

Our goal is to make sure the owners are comforted, the pups are exercised and happy and that we are getting our own puppy fixes. But let’s be honest- it’s their world, we’re just living in it! As a small team of experienced dog owners and lovers, we really get to know you and your dog and we canguarantee consistent and personal care that is equal to your love and attention. We are so excited to make you a part of the family!

First Class Care

all the best for them

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi.

Snacks Included

for your little one

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Regularly walks

to keep them ealthy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris.

     my chester enjoys being with them!     

We LOVE going for walks with our friends at Paw! Don’t tell our mom & dad,but we get really excited when they leave for work because we know it won’t be long before we get a visit from one of our favorite friends at PawCity! Best part is, they always let our parents know how ourwalk went right away so they dont have to worry about us!

We love you PawCity!! xoxo

Anna Olson, Chester’s Mom

About us

At PawCity, we lead lives full of the unconditional love and happiness we receive from the furballs we get to spend time with everyday and we have this beautiful city and all the beautiful people in it to thank. We love you and your pups!!

We moved to New York City with our black bulldog rescue, Blakely, in 2007 after graduating from the University of Maryland. Immediately, we realized what a dog-crazy place it was.

We knew right away that we wanted to work with the animals that we loved and that had given us so much love since we were little girls. We started PawCity Dog Walking in July of 2010.

We cover the entire width of the East Side, from 96th Street to Delancey and handle every type of personality imaginable. At PawCity, we lead lives full of the unconditional love and happiness we receive from the furballs we get to spend time with everyday.

Get Your Coupon

We strive to keep both you and your pup as happy and comfortable as possible while you’re out earning those big bucks.

Get 20% off your first walk. Enter your email and we'll send you your coupon.

area we serve

As a small team of experienced dog owners and lovers, we really get to know you and your dog and we canguarantee consistent and personal care that is equal to your love and attention.

We are so excited to make you a part of the family!

67 E. 3rd Street Suite B New York, NY 10003

080 708 5583

Get My Money Grabbing Method That Makes Me Over...

$533.50 Per Hour

On Demand With Minimal Effort And In My Spare Time...


  • FAST Money When You Know How!
  • Start With ZERO Money 
  • Mega Successes! Regardless Of Age or Ability
  • I Make OVER $500.00 PER HOUR & You Can Too! 
  • No Need For Coding/WebDesign Or Anything Techy!
  • I've Students Making $10.000+ A Month

Get Instant Access To FlipSpeed & The ProFlipperz Research Tool For Just:  $197.00

$14 Dollars - One Time.

No Marketing Or Businesses Experience? No Capital? No Problem! This Will Still Work For YOU!



You missed out!

Time's Ticking - The Price Will Be Increasing

DON'T FORGET! Use Coupon Code: save5  On Checkout!

Normal People Around The World
 Just Like You Are
 Turning Their Lives Around FAST!

$340.00 FIRST FLIP

Started with $0

$15 Into $12,000

Why You Need To Grab FlipSpeed TODAY

A simple yet effective system for building a wildly successful business without any experience, capital, or even a significant amount of work when you learn how!

How to position your products for the greatest response right out of the gate. (This is the secret to getting the most bang for your efforts)

How you can get Amazon, eBay, Facebook & Many other places to get YOU sales. (It's actually in their best interest to do so)

The often overlooked (but super easy) method to scaling your business rapidly… Without increasing the amount of work you put in!

It's right under your flippin nose

Now, during this pandemic and more than ever, people need ways to

 increase their cash flow and the simplest way to do that?

Today you will become a Professional Flipper, Many already do this regularly all you need is
How to do it better!

SAY... "NO MORE" To Mistakes, Stress & Worries.

No More Confusion & The Feeling Of Not Knowing Where To Begin - It's Stressful, I've Been There!

No More Frustration Buying Something To Get Started Quickly Only To Find Out You Need To Have Experience In Webdesign And Other Nonesence.

No More Struggling To Find Spare Cash For Nice Things, Or The Freedom To Spend Money Without Having To Look In The Bank To See If You Have Enough

No More Failures! Forget The Time Consuming Work That You Don't Even Get Results From - I've Been There Too.


Look, I've Been Where You Are...
I Know How You Feel And I'm Here to Help YOU!

Look, I've Been Where You Are...
I Know How You Feel And I'm Here to Help YOU!

$4,000,000+ IN REAL PROOF here's my eBay accounts:
I Also Get Cash In Hand & Bank Transfers from other marketplaces!

Are You Stuck Right Now
& Need A Change Of Direction?

Hate Your Job & Your Boss Making Your Life Hell?
Have You Spent Your Stimulus Check And Nothing To Show For It?
Lost Your Job  & Finding It Hard To Find A New One?
Are You In Debt & Struggling To Pay Your Bills?

Then Trading Simple Everyday Products For Profit Is For You!

Then Trading Simple Everyday
Products For Profit Is For You!

It's Simple, Actionable & You Can Even Start With Nothing!

Pet Supplies

Join Me For Our $0 to $10K Challenge

And Begin To Flip Like A Pro.

Copy Our BluePrint & Access Everything You Need To Start Generating Life-Changing Income
Find The Most Viable Products & Increase Your Profits
Avoid The Mistakes That Waste Time & Money
Discover Where to Buy & Where to Sell for Maximum Return
Get Goods for Free
& Sell For Profit

How To Start Your Flipping Business Even With No Bankroll
Begin To Close 
A Deals Fast & For More Profit

Would You Like To Know...
How You Can Start With NOTHING?

Exactly What To Buy & Sell?
Where To Find The Best Deals?
Where To Make The Most Profitable Flips?

Here's Exactly What You Get...

  1. 1
    Introduction – Getting Started
  2. 2
    Creating Accounts & Navigating Each Marketplace
  3. 3
    How To Start Flipping With $0 And No Automobile
  4. 4
    Deciding What Items To Flip And How To Find Them
  5. 5
    The Art Of Negotiation And Closing The Deal
  1. 6
    How To Sell Your Items On Each Marketplace
  2. 7
    Managing Your Flipping Business
  3. 8
    Advanced Selling
  4. 9
    Downsides To Flipping
  5. 10

Simplicity Is Key: Using This Simple System I Get Quick Results.
 I Flipped These Items With Money I'd Made Selling FREE STUFF!

You Don't Need To Purchase Big Items, No Wild Risks To Be Taken - You Can Start From $0 Flipping FREE Items & Work Your Way Up!

I Teach You How You Can Even Flip From Home... No Need To Drive Or Even Get Out Of Your Seat!!

It's time to work on your terms... Not anyone else's!

Retail: $599.99
Bought for: $96
Sold for: $180
Profit: $84
Retail: $205.99
Bought for: $33
Sold for: $60
Profit: $27
Retail: $508.63
Bought for: $81
Sold for: $150
Profit: $69
Retail: $139.99
Bought for: $22
Sold for: $40
Profit: $18
Retail: $164.95
Bought for: $26
Sold for: $50
Profit: $24
Retail: $279.99
Bought for: $45
Sold for: $85
Profit: $40
Retail: $129.79
Bought for: $20
Sold for: $40
Profit: $20
Retail: $190.15
Bought for: $30
Sold for: $60
Profit: $30
Retail: $96.19
Bought for: $15
Sold for: $30
Profit: $15
Retail: $59.99
Bought for: $10
Sold for: $20
Profit: $10
Retail: $65.99
Bought for: $10
Sold for: $20
Profit: $10
Retail: $349.95
Bought for: $55
Sold for: $105
Profit: $50
Retail: $303.14
Bought for: $50
Sold for: $90
Profit: $40
Retail: $51.99
Bought for: $8
Sold for: $15
Profit: $7
Retail: $599
Bought for: $100
Sold for: $180
Profit: $80
Retail: $141.75
Bought for: $22
Sold for: $42
Profit: $20
Buy: $1100
Sell: $1400
Profit: $400
$590.66 in 4 hrs
$500 in 2 hours
Buy:   $2,000
Sell:   $3,000
Profit:   $1,000
$215 in 24hrs
Buy:   $130
Sell: $330
Profit:   $200 in 2 hrs
Buy:  $1200
Sell:  $1600
Profit:  $400 in 4 hrs
Buy:   $1200
Sell:   $1525
Profit:   $350 in 3 hrs

You Can EVEN Get FREEBIES To Flip!

Free Table
Found on the side of the road
$7 Spark plug
Sell:  $220
Free Chairs
Sell:   $40

Are even CASHING in on quality merchandise they PAY ZERO DOLLARS FOR! 

Everybody knows what it’s like to NOT have spare cash.

Bills pile up on top of debts, You can’t take the vacations you want. Sacrifices get made Getting ahead becomes all you think about…

Now don’t get me wrong, there ARE options, Like Ecom Stores, Affiliate Marketing,  Dropshipping, You can even find people killing it on Amazon & Ebay and others...

But it's a long twisting road of high spends and hopes of making good returns... It's just risky and not always a win

90% of ecom stores/dropshipping businesses FAIL.

But With My Knowledge...

...You Can

Kick start your legitimate business

Gear up quickly

On your schedule

Grow on your own terms

Put Profit and cash flow directly into your hands!

Build something you can rely on with your own two hands

Shortcut your 
long-term financial plan

If all you want is to be DIRECTLY in control of your financial future?
It doesn’t get anymore legit THAN FLIPPING! 

Flipping is the OLDEST and EASIEST form of commerce on the planet!

You don’t need to be a gifted technical geek

You don’t need to be an expert at finding overseas bargains. We don’t bother with overseas anything!

And NO, you don’t need a high risk credit card merchant account... Heck you don’t even NEED a bank account at all if you don't want to!

REAL testimonials FROM REAL PEOPLE! You'll SEE them in the facebook group!

Check what our clients say about us

The advice I've learned from the ProFlipperz course has enabled me to make over $22k just by paying attention to opportunities. I made over $12,000 on one deal with Steve's advice. If you don't ask, you won't know. For someone in the military this has been amazing in setting me up for retirement in the next 2 years. I know what I'll be doing when I retire!

Eddie Perez

Air Force

As someone who lives on a fixed income, I really needed a way to make some extra cash. With ProFlipperz, I was able to flip my first item in 24 hours and made $140!!! Since then I've been able to give myself freedom I didn't think was possible. Thank you Steve! I've been able to travel and spend more time with my grand kids, without worrying about my bills. It's truly a blessing!

Lisa Hoard

Retired Grandmother

I was skeptical about the ProFlipperz course since I've flipped some in the past but so glad I bought it. With Steve's personal coaching I've been able to make over $30,000 in less than 3 months part-time while I'm not working my full-time job. I'm about to open my own shop and take my flipping to the next level! Couldn't have done it without you Steve and looking forward to hitting the $100k goal!

Brian Shearin

General Manager

I can't say enough about Steve's course. I made $2000 on my first deal working with him and the lessons taught in this course. I'm a personal trainer and with COVID-19 it's been rough but I've been able to make even more now that I'm flipping. Most of my flips I don't even use my own cash! God is good and keep fighting the good fight!

Anthony Calhoun

Personal Trainer

I'm always looking for a good side hustle and so glad I found ProFlipperz. Steve, you're my hero! I've put so much cash in my pockets using your tips and methods. You've definitely taken my hustle to a whole new level and nothing is stopping me now!

Trey Forster


I've been looking for a way to get out of my dead end 8 to 5 job in the warehouse. After buying the ProFlipperz course I've saved up over $8,000 in the last month which is twice what I make at my day job! I'm planning on putting my notice next week! The freedom this course has brought me is priceless and Steve is an amazing coach.

Tristan Moore

Warehouse Manager

No Marketing Or Businesses Experience? No Capital?
No Problem!

This Will Still Work For YOU!

From The Desk Of Steve Hitson
Steve Hitson

Dear Friend, 

What if I told you that there's a skill, so simple yet so powerful!
That once you discover it, you can have literally full control of your life?

And I really do mean FULL CONTROL.

Total financial security so that you never again get “inbox anxiety” because you’re afraid of the bills you might find inside... or pass restless nights wondering “where the money will come from” after being ambushed by a surprise expense you simply can’t afford to pay.

Complete freedom to do everything and anything you want on your terms without having to check in with anybody or ask for permission to take some time off.

Now I understand that it might sound unbelievable, but there are countless people all over the world experiencing these exact things at this very moment.

This exact Same "Product Flipping" System Has Made Me Well Over $4,000,000

And even more profoundly:  They are doing it using a simple yet extremely powerful "product flipping" system that I'm about to reveal to you in the next couple of minutes.

But what's more important is that I've had countless coaching students who were able to achieve similar results as well.

And I can honestly say that "product flipping" is one of the best hustles out there, whether you are looking to earn some extra money on the side or build an entire business empire

Product flipping is the perfect vehicle to get you there.

In fact, some of the strategies I'm about to show you don't even require you to have any capital whatsoever..

It's one of those businesses that is very straight forward and it doesn't require you to have a degree or any business experience for that matter...

Now of course, just like with everything else there's a learning curve, and there are aspects you have to discover, but that's exactly why I decided to put together...

The Ultimate "Product Flipping"


To help people wanting to get in this businesses avoid the obstacles and pitfalls that are otherwise inevitable…

I wanted to show people the fastest and most efficient way possible to get immediate results!

And that’s how this training was born!

The training where I share the ultimate set of "Product Flipping" strategies that will enable you to develop a strong and indestructible foundation for your business.

This training will pay for itself by teaching you how to think about this business better. It’s not just a collection of things to go buy.

It’s not just a collection of where to go to find things to buy.

It's not just another training program that you might have seen before

More than anything else it’s a new mental lense you can insert over your perceptions and look at the world differently. Leading to more money.

This isn't a go through once and leave it to collect the dust on your hard drive type of course. It's a living and breathing companion to this biz. It will always be there with you while working and become a constant companion.

After going through the training, you will be able to start the new venture in confidence and not fall victim to the typical mistakes most newbie sellers make...

Or the traps "YouTube gurus" NEVER tell you about.

"Product Flipping"


To help people wanting to get in this businesses avoid the obstacles and pitfalls that are otherwise inevitable…

I wanted to show people the fastest and most efficient way possible to get immediate results!

And that’s how this training was born!

The training where I share the ultimate set of "Product Flipping" strategies that will enable you to develop a strong and indestructible foundation for your business.